Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Understanding love in a self pleasure seeking world.

When we think of love, a person that we are attracted to, or an ideal, on object, an activity, a savior, a personified inanimate object comes to mind. I can't say that, this all isn't what comes to my mind, but if i think about love objectively, something else prevails. How can you define love in one word? I believe by studying the  bible, philosophers who seemed to have it right, people that understand life, it seems to come down to selflessness. I can't think of one instance where love isn't selfless or where it shouldn't be. The qualities of love follow selflessness. I had a friend define love one time in such a different way I could never forget. He defined it as toward people specifically "the act of trying to help someone reach their full potential within your own limits for the sake of love alone." That is such an interesting definition. It has several interesting dynamics to recognize.  To love is an action, and a perspective. As that same friend told me, you have to be able to love with your motives and with you affections. Now this means to understand the purpose and concept of true love, id est, the different types of love, and also be able to effectively convey it with your affections not doing it for personal game or for anything other then the same of God's glory and love itself.

To be competent in what love is it takes an understanding of the four different types of love in the original Greek. Check it out sometime. Read Chapter 13 of Corinthians. Even if your not sure about your religion, Mahatmat Ghandi who was in no way Christian agreed with most of Christ's and the apostles teaching, give em a shot. Don't let a Christian you know, define Christianity. Check it.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Essence of..Purpose?

     One of the longest pondered philosophical question that exists which creates for many a curious and anxious state to know is what one's purpose is in life. To undoubtedly have affirmation that there is even purpose in life, is hard to grasp from a humanist worldview if logically taken to its end. This specifically gets sketchy at the point where you must say we are not designed and therefore must design our own purpose if to have one at all. This brings the problem of conceptually having the possibility of assuming a purpose of destroying others purposes. This would create paradoxical implications for assuming your own version of purpose and of autonomous decision making concerning right or wrong.  When society says, what is reasonable is always right, as long as it is reasonable for you, creates an anarchial state of mind over time if it were not for innate natural law that of which tends to bind us to a sense of reality (at least for most people). When we give up any predetermined assertions  that there is a "natural law" we come dangerously close to the necessity of man or say the government creating morals and purpose for us. What we end up agreeing to is saying that if [this] man or [that] man is given undeniable right to rule, he also has an undeniable right to rule and decide what is right for the individual without any kind of demarcation. We have to as a people have a universal standard. We are set apart from the animals, that should be obvious if you take a moment and think about it, the fact you can consciously recognize you are different shows our difference. Oh right purpose of life..I do have an answer, and i'll get to another blog. Many men have wondered for scores of years..why not a little longer?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Evolution? please..

      There seems to be some kind of huge surge in young people's belief in evolution because of the education system and what is said to be "truth". However most people aren't even aware that evolution is one man's attempt to reconcile his denial of a deity.

 The fact that there was no coherent approach to the beginnings of the cosmos aside from creation, Darwin attempted to formulate some sort of basis on how life could have evolved trans-species into new life forms.

HOWEVER he never even began to attempt to understand how life originated, how it came to exist [in itself]. Also at a place of ignorance because of the technology of the time, he couldn't have possibly known how incredibly irreducibly complex that even single celled organisms were and still are.

       As discoveries are still being made, such as a recent one I saw on Sciencenow (a popular science journal media site), a lot of the mammals can now be seen as surviving and existing in a far more predated setting as to what was originally assumed.

 There is no reason to believe in the evolution as far as 5 sigma proof goes. By necessity to not exist in a thought vacuum, a antithetical view must oppose theism. Unless a new paradigm shift begins, with something to fill the void other than evolution to be used to deny any kind of deity, it will persist rational or not.

 It necessarily follows than that by logical systematics, an individual develop or accept whatever the current leading belief system for life that accepts your predetermined outcome. Think about it, man will always reason to prove whatever he already believe at a foundational level.

So attempt to grasp the nature of reality, id est, there is one reality, and there ARE things that cannot be scientifically explained. To not be able to accept that is essentially to deny that any sense of spirituality and perhaps even the inconceivable existence of the conscious mind itself.

Back to reality

The reality that we live in seems to have escaped so many now a days. I'm incredibly perplexed as to how so many can believe in some of the most inconsistent mindsets and enjoy a smorgasbord of worldview concepts. To be quite frank the average person's ability to recognize simple truth is a joke in today's society. If you asked someone why they believe what they do, they will either give you a chivalrous answer with a qualitative notion to it, yet lacking content, or they will give you an insignificant "never thought about it" sort of approach. It makes me sick to see how everything in our world today, morality wise, has gone so far oft awry. It's time to wake up and smell the roses, and realize these roses do NOT give you permission to live like you have no moral obligations. AT LEAST attempt to reconcile with natural law, even if it's a pathetic attempt, but to say that you create your own truth is the most self centered narcissistic view and distorted perspective of reality I have ever heard. Find truth, the ignorant lavish in what wisdom they lack, and it is their demise.