Tuesday, July 17, 2012

absolute truth in a relative world.

     For some reason our culture has passed on from a time of intellectualism and of authoritative unquestionable truth into an era of relativism. The world has moved from a perspective of being adamant about their own views being unquestionably correct to a place where it seems all religions and belief systems are accepted as sufficient and tolerable. I'd hate to try to throw out there that logic is partially the answer, although I believe it is because man has fallen into a place of non-logic, but it really is just a matter of the heart as are most problems. We have given up even as Christians these days  to refute that abortion, same sex marriage, and even be bold enough to say pre-marital sex is not good. Christians have become a bunch of pansies and  refuse to say something that is truth because they may offend someone. It does say that we must express truth in love, which I agree with, HOWEVER to not even make your position on the issue known out of fear of offense is ridiculous.

     This post-modern time we exist in has had it's affect on the Christian populations views of absolutism in a detrimental way as well. Christians these days are being completely ambiguous and hypocritical to believe in the Bible or even claim Christianity, and not believe the Bible is absolute truth, or to believe there is no absolute truth for that matter. This is becoming a real issue. If we cannot fundamentally believe in something how can we base our life around it?